Welcome, Class of 2007!

For many in this world of ours, this year may be the same as any other year. It is not all too difficult for most of us to remember a time just a short while ago when a day at the office or a day in the field was not all much different than the day before. For you, the HBS MBA Class of 2007, however, this is a very special year in which every day will yield an experience much different than the day before.

As a predecessor here at the Harbus best put it, you are about to enter a time that will be etched deeply in your memory forever and that will impact the rest of your lives. You are about to go through the “HBS experience”, which is generally and very correctly described as “transformational”. There are really no words in which you can be made to understand the transformation beforehand, because it will be a different journey for each of you.

The next two terms will be a rich mosaic of learning experiences, whether inside or outside the classroom and as ECs, we give you the best advice we got when we started our RC year: At HBS, the opportunities are great and the cost of failure low. Take risks. Experiment. Do the things you always wanted to do. Be the person you always thought you’d like to be.

There are many here at HBS that wish you well as you take the first steps in what will surely be an amazing year. The staff here at the Harbus wishes you all the best as we do our best to cover the people, places, and events that will play an integral
part in shaping your experience here at HBS.

All the Best,
The Harbus Editorial Staff