Miller Said What?

Welcome to the third edition of They Said What?, featuring some of the most humorous anecdotes heard around campus at HBS. Our special guest this week is Assistant Professor Greg Miller, from the Accounting Department, and we feature some of his more notable comments from Financial Reporting and Control. As you can see, most student… Continue reading Miller Said What?

Error 404: In-class Wireless Ethernet Terminated by Faculty

The two-term experiment to bring cutting-edge wireless Ethernet technology to Aldrich Hall ground to a halt this month, after HBS faculty members voted to disable the system from 8:30 am until 3:00 pm, citing concerns that it was a disruption within the classroom. The decision was made despite a broad consensus among students who used… Continue reading Error 404: In-class Wireless Ethernet Terminated by Faculty

EC Student Makes 25 Minute "Make Up" Comment – Sets HBS Record

Hawes 102, MA: After passing on a cold call in his Leadership and Corporate Accountability class, Vishal Rao of Section OD provided his class with the longest single “Make Up” comment recorded in HBS history. Determined to redeem himself from the previous day’s mishap, Mr. Rao returned to class armed with several pages of notes,… Continue reading EC Student Makes 25 Minute "Make Up" Comment – Sets HBS Record