I am down to one semester at HBS. How did this happen so fast? It seems like the proverbial yesterday that I found out which section I was assigned to.
If you are like me, you are feeling some combination of nostalgia, anxiety, excitement and despondence upon the realization that a mere six months from now, you will be out of the cocoon of academia and at work in the real world. You RC’s are probably wondering how you will ever survive without your beloved sections.
As classes wrapped up last semester I found myself in an introspective mood. Had I had made the best of my time at HBS? Did the daily flurry of cases, classes, friends and job searches put blinders on me? Had I really done all that I set out to do? As professors made their closing remarks on the last day of class, many emphasized that the end of class does not have to mean goodbye forever.
Time sure does fly by at HBS. But… we still have some time; five months for EC’s and another year for RC’s. Enough time to do what we set out to do.
If you have a favorite professor that you never made time to visit, write that email and make some time for a meeting. If you discovered a new interest in entrepreneurship or finance or something else during your time here, use the resources at your disposal to explore these new found interests. If you did not bond with any of your classmates, go the extra mile and reach out to them. If you have not really engaged in the community around you, find a local volunteer opportunity or make a concerted effort to find a favorite restaurant in Boston.
We have made lifelong connections here; relationships that will sustain and thrive long past graduation. It will take some effort to maintain these connections. Call your friends on their birthdays. Call your professors when you need advice or just want to brainstorm ideas. Make time for incoming students when they reach out to you for career advice. Dive into your new job and make HBS proud.
It’s not too late to get started on an HBS bucket list and it’s never too late to be a real part of this amazing place.