Player Profile

Scion of the Scrum, Legend of the Line-out, High Panjandrum of the Rugby Pitch, Humble Servant to Double B (Godfather of Rugby), and HBS Rugby Club President

1 fathom, but taller than a fathom in cleats.

Weight: ÿ
In China, I am huge.

Previous Sports Experience:
Two time 2005 Bank of America Summer Intern Friday Lunch Feed-a-thon Champion: I once took down 63 chicken nuggets in 20 minutes and followed that performance by dismissing 13 white castle sliders in 10 minutes.

Most inspirational quote at HBS:
“You know, when I was I-banking in New York City, I used to get bottle service 3-4 times a week. In Boston, I can only get bottle service maybe 1 time each week because there are not that many clubs.” This nugget of wisdom really keeps me humble and inspires me to work hard at HBS. If a mistake is made on my transcript so that I get good grades and I schmooze enough with NYC firms, I just might be able to get back to NYC and start blowing out clubs Wednesday-Saturday. Not everyone in B-school has it as good as Columbia and NYU, where school and play (i.e. bottle service) is one.

Favorite Aspect of the Club:
At any one given time, I am surrounded by 5 Navy Seals, 4 Marines, a few Green Berets, a Delta Force guy or two and someone from Zimbabwe. Basically, if I even need to take over a meddlesome 3rd world country and insert myself as the dictator, I don’t have to go further than the rugby team to find my front line.

Least Favorite Aspect of the Club:
The military guys constantly remind me that while I was sitting behind a desk after college, they were playing sand volleyball with Maverick and Goose in sweet jean shorts and dog tags (and doing some other manly stuff).

Which RC has been the most inspirational:
Jonas Akins’ beard. Most people when they get to HBS try to looks professional in their first week of classes to fool professors and co-eds. However, Jonas Akins’ beard screams savage man. At some point I hope Eminem will make the real Jonas Akins stand up; until that happens his fierce beard speaks well for him.

When you are not playing rugby, what keeps you busy:
I have really gotten into this whole social gaming thing. I mean, why would I not pay $3 to have a pink tractor on my Farmville farm when all of my friends who didn’t work finance jobs before HBS cannot afford one? It is capitalist pleasure at its finest.

The rugby team is heading to the University of Texas in November for the Fall Brawl Tournament. If you want to have a transformational experience and the best weekend of your life, come out and join the team.