Response to John Shepard's Article

To the Editor:
I wanted to express my support to The Harbus for printing John Shepherd’s article on the Middle Eastern situation and Ariel Sharon. I find it healthy that The Harbus is filling its role as a platform for HBSers to express themselves and inform their fellow students about issues that are rarely outlined by the general press (e.g., in this case, Sharon’s role in igniting and escalating the second intifada).
thought John’s article was excellent in addressing the core of the Middle Eastern issue with the right level of historical accuracy and objectivity (having read myself dozens of books and accounts on the history of the conflict, I am satisfied with the accuracy of John’s paper). HBS is about expanding one’s horizons after all: from the positive reactions I have heard so far on campus, I am confident John’s article helped us move toward that direction.

I look forward to reading more articles of this sort.

Reda Khatim (NF)