Welcome to the News & Campus Affairs section of the first 2002 edition of The Harbus! Over the next year, I very much look forward to working with Nick and the rest of The Harbus team to bring you the news items of highest relevance and greatest interest to the HBS community.
During the forthcoming year, you can look forward to:
articles relating the views of and topics addressed by prominent on-campus speakers;
news items on developments affecting our everyday lives on campus; and
commentary on the role of the members of the HBS community in the world at large.
The events of September 11 cast a long shadow over last semester’s news headlines-I have no doubt that the ramifications of the war on terrorism will continue to feature prominently on these pages during the course of 2002. In addition, all eyes will be fixed on the ability of the U.S. and global economies to recover from last year’s hard landing. Here at The Harbus, we’ll be paying particular attention to the developing story of full-time and summer internship recruitment for the classes of 2002 and 2003, respectively. The only other prediction I will make is that The Harbus News & Campus Affairs section will continue to adhere to its central tenets of objective, impartial reporting, coupled with a strong focus on relevant business issues.
Remember, this is your paper! If you have any comments, feedback or questions on the News & Campus Affairs section, please do not hesitate to contact me at Harbus-News@mba2003.hbs.edu. I also encourage you to consider authoring a news-related article on a topic of interest to you sometime over the next year. It’s a very rewarding and worthwhile experience! Moreover, broad participation by members of the HBS community in the News & Campus Affairs section – indeed, in the paper as a whole-is key to its success.
Happy New Year!
Damien Coady (NJ)
News Editor