Welcome to the Alumni Network, Class of 2002!

For many of you, the opportunity to tap into the HBS alumni network proved a compelling reason to apply to HBS in the first place. In a few short weeks, the Class of 2002 will join the ranks of over 65,000 alumni located in over 130 countries, representing one of the most powerful alumni networks in the world.

Perhaps you’re asking yourself, what does this network really mean to me? What services does it offer and how can I tap into it? HBS has developed the following programs and services designed to support you throughout your life:
Aumni Programs

Annual Global Alumni Conferences
Held in a different location each year, the conference attracts close to 1,000 alumni along with about 15 HBS faculty. The 2003 conference will be held in Shanghai, China and will address the theme, “From the Commanding Heights to the Market: The Changing Face of Capitalism.”

Professional Programs Designed Expressly for Alumni
Recognizing that your education doesn’t stop when you graduate, the School has designed numerous programs tailored to address your needs at specific times in your life. The 2002 programs include “Breakthrough Insights,” “Entrepreneurs’ Toolkit,” “Transitions and Transformations,” and “Strengthening Your Role as a Nonprofit Manager.”

Clubs and Associations
HBS boasts 110 clubs and associations around the world, a vibrant network of geographical and industry-based associations that provide countless opportunities for networking, socializing, and professional development. Join a club in your area or a club that shares your interests. Contact information for all clubs is listed in every issue of the Bulletin.

BS Bulletin and Class Notes
The School’s alumni magazine, the Bulletin is published six times a year. Besides articles on faculty and alumni, the magazine prints extensive class and section notes in each issue. By now, each section will have elected a Section Correspondent to serve as the point person for the notes. Be sure to keep them apprised of any changes or new developments in your life.

Working Knowledge
This online resource developed through Baker Library provides cutting-edge management information that keeps you at the forefront of today’s fast-changing business environment.

It’s never too early to plan! In five short years you’ll all be back to celebrate your first HBS reunion. And the tradition continues: the School hosts reunions every five years, going as high as a 75th Reunion!
Aumni Career Services

Online Job Postings Every Two Weeks
Free on the web or by paid e-mail subscription.

Career-Counseling Services at HBS
Direct one-on-one support in person or by phone, fax, or e-mail.

Career Liaisons
Over 50 HBS alumni have volunteered to help other alumni interested in exploring career opportunities, including industry shifts and possible relocation to their geographic area.

Fully Searchable Alumni Database Online
This is the crux of the network. The directory lists alumni by company, industry, geography, last name, class, or program. 25,000 alumni have identified themselves as career advisors who are willing to offer support and guidance to those in transition.

You can find links to all of the above on the alumni Web site at www.alumni.hbs.edu. We look forward to helping you stay connected to HBS and to your classmates. Make a point to join a club, send a note to your Section Correspondent, return to campus for a reunion, participate in a Global Alumni Conference – you won’t be disappointed. In fact, you’ll be surprised how supportive the network really is and what a difference it makes in your life.

HBS is committed to serve as a “home base” for the rest of your journey through life. Stay in touch and stay involved!