They Said What

Derek Lewis (NI) (commenting in BGIE about a woman whose hair color was similar to the wall’s): “The most interesting observation about this drawing of life in Germany in the 20s is that the woman in the centre has no head, which means…”

Torarie Durden (NI) (during the BGIE class on German Inflation – commenting to Jack Gurrero): “Jack, if you had 99% of the wealth and the rest of the section had 1%, eventually, we would kill you.”

Derek Lewis (NI) (to Professor Wells (STRAT), comparing what it’s like to have one customer with many suppliers): “It’s like going to a dance with 100 guys and 2 women and trying to get a date.” Wells responded: “Derek, we’re not interested in your personal life:”

Jack Guerrero (NI) (in BGIE): “I do not agree with an environment adjusted GDP since I think that Mother Earth is stronger than we give her credit for”.

Prof. Jim Heskett (in EM, when soliciting the class for Newspaper Headlines on Endeavor): “Come on. We need CREATIVE newspaper headlines. Something like … ‘Headless Body Found in Topless Bar.'”

(in EM, when addressing a student during Endeavor): “Let’s look at exhibits 11a & 11b. Hmmm… looks like your case hasn’t been opened to those pages yet. (holding case up for the class to see) Anyone need a crisp new case? This one hasn’t been used yet”

Ariba Tanvir (OH): “Forced curves don’t necessarily raise the bar. On the contrary, if you can be on top of some dumb, foolish, incompetent people, then you’d be fine.”

Professor Ananth Raman (Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains): “Nothing changes based on Power Point slides.” “One supply chain manager compared changing a supply chain to slaughtering a pig. I’ve never slaughtered a pig, but I assume it’s very messy. It’s not just like, ‘Go kill the pig.'”

Professor Ananth Raman (Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains): “I’d like Alice to start us off… Are you ok?” Alice Borden (OJ): “Yes, I’m ready.”
Raman: “OK. Well, you gave me a look, and when my wife used to give me that look, it meant, ‘Go away.'”

David Breashears (on his successful ascent to the summit of Mount Everest and the lessons applicable to business leaders): “If you’re going to surround yourselves with talent, you have a real responsibility to tap into that talent.” “Leadership is about hard choices sometimes.” (on telling one of his team members that she was too ill to continue ascending with the team) “We leaders do have a problem in that we often think we know what is best.”

Professor Michael Watkins (Corporate Diplomacy): “Rationality is a club with handles on both ends.”

Professor Ananth Raman (Coordinating and Managing Supply Chains): “Confusion is the first step toward enlightenment.” “I love the normal curve. The normal curve is among the most beautiful things I have ever seen.” “What is this class? Nerd-vana?”

[on his cold call policy] “I am an equal opportunity abuser.”

Professor Brian Hall (Incentives): “How did the case protagonist develop his management philosophy?” Laurent Therivel (OA): “Well, he’s from Ohio, so he grew up seeing people treated poorly.”

Quyen Yu (NC): ‘World entrepreneurs can be divided into two groups: those like Meghna (Rao, SecC), and those not like Meghna”

Andy Lin (OI): “Reading this case reminds me of the state-run enterprises in China.” Professor Brian Hall (Incentives): “Is that a compliment or an insult?”
Lin: “It’s not a compliment.”

Professor Hall: “It turns out, that if you don’t intend to keep something, it’s not stealing.”

Hall: “In baseball, there is no salary cap, which is why the Yankees always win the World Series… but that’s my own psychological issue.”

Andrea Mitchell (OE): “These doctors are surgeons. They want to be on the cutting edge.”