The Other '04 Race, SA Elections Are Here

Has all the election coverage got you wondering about your “elect-ability” but you want to avoid the whole primary process? Well here’s your chance. SA Elections are finally here.

Why would you want to run for an office?
For one thing, it’s a great way to get involved in HBS and get things done. The SA has accomplished a lot over the past few years, all based on recommendations from the annual student poll in the spring. The list includes adding a prescription drug benefit to the healthcare plan, getting cable into the dorms, securing ATM access in Spangler, providing alternate off-campus housing resources, and dedicating more Career Services resources to international job searches. So being an elected SA official is all about IMPACT. It’s a chance to influence the overall student experience at HBS. Not a bad way to test whether you were actually paying attention in LEAD.

So now you’re asking yourself, what positions are available?
There are 2 Co-Presidents, 1 CFO, 1 COO and 3-5 members of the Social Committee. A detailed description of the positions and campaign regulations is on the SA website at //

The Co-Presidents run together as a team. They are responsible for developing the draft of the SA Agenda, the list of things that the SA hopes to accomplish in the next year. You have some latitude in shaping your experience based on the issues you choose to pursue. The Co-Presidents preside over the Senate, act as a liaison to the administration, and communicate with the student body.

Are you more of a “Financial Wizard”? Well then maybe the CFO role is more your style. He or she maintains the accounts of the SA, prepares the budget, and distributes cash. In addition to the finances, the CFO also is part of the Executive Committee and assists the Presidents in other school-wide matters. Nina Sodhi, current SA CFO, says that the CFO is “involved in weekly exec meetings and provides input. The job allows plenty of flexibility to be involved in many different aspects of the SA.”

Were you the generous saint who coordinated the section fleece order? Well if you did you already have experiences with the main concern of the COO, the operation of SA Ventures. The COO not only oversees the operations of this $500K student run enterprise by chairing the SA Ventures Board of Directors but also provides day-to-day guidance to ensure that the business produces revenue to subsidize student activities on campus. In addition, the COO serves on the executive team of the SA.

Are you more of the socialite or perhaps a closet party animal? If so, then the social committee is the position for you. The Social Committee consists of 3-5 members who run together as a team. They must be from two different sections and include at least 1 male, 1 female, 1 U.S., and 1 international student. They are THE people in charge of the HBS social agenda and coordinate all of the fun social activities that we do here at HBS, including TGIF’s, Holidazzle, Newport Ball, etc. In other words almost every major event that you attended this year. They are the liaisons with the administration and faculty on social matters and communicate with the Senate.

To run for one of these positions, just fill out a position paper with the issues you think are important and turn it in by Friday, 2/20 at 5:00 pm to MBA Student Life on the second floor of Spangler. The campaign regulations on the web have more details. For the Presidential slate and Social Committee, you can either form a group on your own or attend the Q&A session on 2/17 in the Meredith Room in Spangler to meet up with other interested candidates. So if you’d like to stretch you political wings start planning. You’ve only got three weeks to convince 900 constituents that you’re their candidate. Good Luck!

Elections Timeline:
Campaign Regulations and Descriptions of Elected Positions are posted on the SA website at //

Position Papers from all candidates are due Friday 2/20 by 5:00 pm at MBA Student Life and via e-mail to the Elections Committee
Q&A Session for interested candidates will be held on 2/17 at 3:00 pm in Aldrich 209
Speeches will be held on Tuesday 2/17 at 3 pm and will be posted on the web
Elections are Tuesday 3/2