Peabody Garage Reopens, Alleviating Parking Headaches

After a three-month delay for additional, unexpected repairs, the garage at Peabody Terrace reopened last week, just in time for the influx of vehicles for the winter. At the beginning of the term, SFP garage parking spots were rationed to students living further away from campus, because of the need to accommodate the Peabody parkers.

Now that those cars are moving there are more spaces available for off-campus students. The 64 names on the SFP waiting list should receive spaces soon, as will the 72 names on the Peabody waiting list, according to Jim Sarafin, the Director of Parking Services.

The cost for the remainder of the year is $90/month for SFP and $100/month for Peabody for full-time residents. The non-overnight commuter rate is $35/month. The permit must be purchased for the entire year, but can be returned for a monthly, prorated refund at any time.
More information is available by calling the Harvard University Parking Office at 617/495-3772 or on the web at