OF Defeats Preseason Top-Ranked OK 50-41!!!

OF defeated preseason top-ranked OK in a stellar match up. Jumping to a quick 10 point lead, OF never looked back throughout the game as intense defense and coordinated teamwork led the burly F’ers to victory. OK, led by sharpshooter Kevin Rabbit and big man Jim Wilder, made a strong run at the start of the second half cutting their deficit to one, but clutch three pointers by Dave “they call me Jimmy Chitwood” Swanson and Marc “I’ll take my shirt off for money” Washington quickly squashed any hope for a comeback. Nick Edwards, donning a red pinnie instead of his usual pink ripped t-shirt, played yeoman-like under the boards while Steve Wallace punished other rebounders and post players with Karl Malone-like authority. Chris Dean is rumored to be considering playing in the NBA post HBS after his smothering defensive show today – “Bring on Kobe, he’s got nothing!” he was heard shouting during the post game press conference. Finally, Jim “the Polish Rifle” Tyburski demurred all compliments and simply stated, “OF has heart, but the praise today should go to sectionmate and die-hard fan Sarah Beth Murphy who inspired the team to victory with a half time pep talk rivaling those of infamous Bobby Knight.” Thanks Sarah Beth and Go OF!