NK Wins Class of 2003 Section Olympics!

Photos by Juan Uribe (NF)

On the afternoon of Tuesday, April 23, 2002, the 11 sections of the class of 2003 went head-to-head in the inaugural Section Olympics, a series of athletic, intellectual, and creative events.

Included the following events:
Bat Spin, 3-Legged Race, Free Throw Shooting, Grapefruit Pass, Tug-of-War.

Gold: Section H
Silver: Section K
Bronze: Section B

Project Build
Sections were required to use their creative and constructive skills, making use of an undisclosed set of raw materials to compose something representative of their section’s people and spirit within a time limit.

Gold: Section D
Silver: Section J
Bronze: Section I

Intellectual Games
A series of puzzles, trivia, and logic problems to be solved within a time limit.

Gold: Section I
Silver: Section D
Bronze: Section F

Scored on the basis of how many individuals from each section participated in the Olympics.

Gold: Section F
Silver: Section H
Bronze: Section K

Overall Winners
Gold: Section K
Silver: Section D
Bronze: Section H

Congratulations to all participants and thank you to all organizers!