NG Stays Undefeated

NG continued its winning ways on Tuesday with a solid victory over OE.

The score does not give this game justice as it was a lopsided victory for the gridironers of NG. Coming off a solid shut-out victory last week, NG was ready to establish itself as a team to be reckoned with. Scores came early and often for NG, with QB Evan McNamara hooking up with Ben Lowe for two first half scores. Lowe performed like he was auditioning for the NFL, deftly executing a post route and an out-and-up route that had the OE defender spinning like a ballerina. NG punched in one more score just before half, set up by a stellar interception by NG’s Bryan Lamb. On the last play of the half, McNamara lateraled to strong armed Jason Vanden Akker who then hit Mark Norris on a deep crossing route in the back corner of the end zone. OE was visibly shaken and demoralized at this point.

In the second half, NG displayed its strong affinity for the game as it quietly executed a ball control strategy. Kristin Kendrick and Rebecca Greenawalt were key factors in this strategy, grinding for yardage and providing key blocks that kept drives alive. OE was put away for good on an early second half score from NG’s Justin Klug, who made a great catch in traffic. Unsung hero awards go to NG’s Jack Speece and Matt Beckett, who made key contributions by converting fourth downs or acting as decoys to open up other plays.

NG now sets its sights on the future, hoping to remain undefeated as it moves forward, taking one game at a time.