Why do people really come to HBS? Is it for the academics? Is it for networking? Is it to figure out how to defraud the banking system? No. We come here to socialize and you know it.
EC students are planning to tap into the common social nature of HBS students to raise $200,000 for Tsunami relief. So, clear your calendars, because there will be an event every two weeks starting in February. Help kick it off with a charity evening at a local club the first week of February (date and location TBA). Then, engage in some “friendly” competition with your section-mates with an EC charity auction on February 23rd at 6 pm. Finally, join us to wrap up our Tsunami efforts with a cultural event in early March.
Fundraising is in our nature at HBS. We all have a good CitiAssist story, about how we took a trip to Greece, bought a crib for our newborn, or financed that engagement ring. Now is your chance to redeem yourself and raise funds to help rebuild the lives of those left in despair as a result of the Tsunami. Even our favorite Krishna Mahesh, one of the event organizers, was heard saying, “I’ll find a wife if it will get me more CitiAssist funds for the events – anything to bid higher on an extreme makeover”.
“We hope to channel as much CitiAssist funds as possible towards tsunami relief,” added Nayana Mawilmada, another event organizer.
So, save your signing bonus and CitiAssist checks for the charity auction. Come help your section raise the most money and help the most people. Whether you are motivated by getting Section G back for cheating in the section Olympics or you simply want to support the cause, we hope to see you at the tsunami relief events.
Keep your eye out for more details to follow, and start thinking of items you can donate to obliterate the other sections – tallies will be kept and televised in real time at the auction.