
The title above has nothing to do with my introduction, but I couldn’t come up with a title that was both relevant and catchy, so I decided to dump the relevant part. Let’s just move on to the Intraview of the week. Although this week’s couple doesn’t provide singing waiters for your amusement, they do offer beating drummers. Actually, I think beating drummers trump singing waiters, and anyway, the whole event sounded like a lot of fun to Goldie.

On a more personal note, I just wanted to let everybody know that I have recently been deluged with fan mail. OK, I’ve gotten three notes, but that’s three more than I had before. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support, as it brings up a well-spring of emotion that I didn’t know existed within me. Really.

Finally, I wanted to take this opportunity, just as I do every week, to recruit. If you want to get in on the Intraview excitement, either drop me a note at or take the on-line Goldie matchmaking survey at This information will also be provided in the on-line version of the Harbus – With any luckI’ll get paid per click-through.