Beating out a five hour tete-a-tete with Arnaud Saint-Sauveur and even a full body massage by Emma Herbert, Sachin Palod’s lap dance surprised no one by being far and away the highest grossing item at the Section F auction, raising $3,400 to help starving children in Nigeria. Aah, the things we do for charity. (Disclaimer: this article was actually completed 2 hours before the auction, but I’m sure you will agree that the outcome is a no-brainer. Besides, if I appear to be wrong, then I can always bid it up!)
According to co-organizers Amie Perl and Fiona Stoner, Project Outreach was a grand success. Amie reports that 30 F’s, 7 F-partners, and 1 tadpole nobly ventured off campus at 8:30 on a Saturday morning to paint 6 apartments and pot and deliver 190 plants at Lower Mills House in Dorchester. Sam Spencer is the hero of the day-he rose to the occasion by digging a dead mouse out of the kitchen of one of the houses. When further questioned, Sam modestly said, “While others may idealize my actions and attempt to put me on a pedestal, I am not a hero. I know any of my fellow section F’ers would taken the same actions if they had come across that decomposing mouse.” All the same, Sam, we are very proud.
Speaking of F-ers of whom we are proud, Michelle Graham was featured in the
2003 Graduate Ranking edition of U.S. News and World Report. The article outlines
Michelle’s decision to leave an investment banking position with Credit Suisse First Boston in order to do something more community based. She brought her banking skills to the New York City Investment Fund where she helped evaluate business plans for local entrepreneurs trying to make a difference in their communities. Michelle plans to use the financial skills she is currently gaining at HBS to contribute to working with non-profits.
Kudos to F!