Editorial: Fast and Furious

For all the RC students (myself included) who can’t believe that our time here is already a quarter gone by, take heart in the fact that for each one of us, at least three EC students can’t believe that only a quarter of their time remains.

The past year has been marked not only by uncertainty and rapid change – from the condition of the job market to the war in Iraq – but also by difficult decisions. And 2004 looks to be no exception. In the U.S., we will elect a president. All of us will make life-altering choices about where and how we will set about achieving our dreams. We will decide which values to prioritize and which career paths to pursue. Many of us will also face intense personal choices related to marriage, children, and aging parents.

The decisions that we make in these situations may very well impact us for years to come, if not for a lifetime.

We at the Harbus hope to ease some of the stress surrounding these decisions and dilemmas by presenting to you a wide variety of perspectives and experiences. HBS is a big, and oftentimes, an overwhelming place. At the same time, the HBS community holds an incredible wealth of knowledge and expertise that can help guide us along our journey. We plan to further tap this resource – to bring you more features on your fellow classmates, partners, professors and alumni–in order to make your choices and alternatives more transparent. With the multitude of options available, who among us hasn’t felt paralyzed by opportunity at one time or another? Over the next twelve months, The Harbus 2004 Edition will provide you with fresh ideas, provocative viewpoints, and of course, regular doses of humor to help you chose your path through HBS and beyond.

How will we do it? Building on Harbus’ legacy as the independent voice of HBS students for over 65 years and the incredible work of last year’s team, the new crew of editorial talent will amaze you with insightful prose, intelligent analysis, and blazing wit. Spanning sections and nationalities, work experiences and political persuasions, sporting interests and musical tastes, the new editorial team is eager to voice opinions and to challenge the status quo. Through this forum for exchanging ideas, we hope to make HBS a smaller, more intimate place.

Lastly, we do not believe that we will not accomplish this goal alone, but rather that we must engage both your interest and your participation in our endeavor. We welcome your opinions, criticisms, and most of all, contributions. Whether your passion is private equity or politics, social enterprise or social life, the Harbus is eager to incorporate your voice.

Undoubtedly, we all have something to share and to learn from one another.

Welcome to 2004, HBS. Though the next year will be fast and furious, we hope that you will join us for the ride.