EC Course Recommendations for the Class of 2004

Well, I’ve polled all of my second year friends (OK, both of them) and gotten the scoop on what courses to take in the EC term. In addition to the standard must-take courses, they identified a few new courses HBS is offering this year that might be of interest to the class of 2004. Here is a quick sample:

Managing Your Blood Alcohol Content: How to Make a Complete Ass of Yourself and Your Entire Section at the HBS Show
Taught by unidentified members of Section H, graded by their FIN prof.

“Sure, $250 per Month Sounds Fine”: Job Offer Negotiations in the New Economy
Taught by Career Services

Power and Influence (in the HBS social network)
Taught by the sisters of the Section C Sorority. Grading by secret ballot.

“So Where Will You Be This Summer?”: Bad Questions to Ask Your Unemployed Friends
Taught by That Guy (my apologies to that poor jobless dude in my section who I keep pestering)

Venture Capital, Private Equity and Hedge Funds: An Examination of Industries You Will Never Be Part Of
Taught by that really dumb but well-connected guy in the skydeck (every section’s got one)

“I’m Going To Have To Pass On This One”: Managing Cold Calls in Term 2
Taught by That Guy

“Actually, I’ve Always Wanted to Work in Oklahoma”: Bullsh-ing Tactics for Job Interviews
(Independent Study)

Building On Myself: Why I Think My Comments in BGIE Are All Home Runs
Teacher TBD (Please ask your sectionmates if you should consider teaching this course)

Boozing and Bidding: How to Dump $30K on Useless Crap at Your Section’s Charity Auction
Taught by Section A (Also listed under “I Bought What?”: Why Money and Liquor Don’t Mix)

“Where’s My Underwear?”: Risk Management and Section Love
Taught by…That Girl 😉

That Guy would like to ask all offended parties to please email me with your complaints. As always, the address is

Editors Note: Please note that That Guy didn’t mention Section I once in this article. The opinions of That Guy do not reflect the opinions of The Harbus staff, but we still think he is funny.