Well, I’ve polled all of my second year friends (OK, both of them) and gotten the scoop on what courses to take in the EC term. In addition to the standard must-take courses, they identified a few new courses HBS is offering this year that might be of interest to the class of 2004. Here is a quick sample:
Managing Your Blood Alcohol Content: How to Make a Complete Ass of Yourself and Your Entire Section at the HBS Show
Taught by unidentified members of Section H, graded by their FIN prof.
“Sure, $250 per Month Sounds Fine”: Job Offer Negotiations in the New Economy
Taught by Career Services
Power and Influence (in the HBS social network)
Taught by the sisters of the Section C Sorority. Grading by secret ballot.
“So Where Will You Be This Summer?”: Bad Questions to Ask Your Unemployed Friends
Taught by That Guy (my apologies to that poor jobless dude in my section who I keep pestering)
Venture Capital, Private Equity and Hedge Funds: An Examination of Industries You Will Never Be Part Of
Taught by that really dumb but well-connected guy in the skydeck (every section’s got one)
“I’m Going To Have To Pass On This One”: Managing Cold Calls in Term 2
Taught by That Guy
“Actually, I’ve Always Wanted to Work in Oklahoma”: Bullsh-ing Tactics for Job Interviews
(Independent Study)
Building On Myself: Why I Think My Comments in BGIE Are All Home Runs
Teacher TBD (Please ask your sectionmates if you should consider teaching this course)
Boozing and Bidding: How to Dump $30K on Useless Crap at Your Section’s Charity Auction
Taught by Section A (Also listed under “I Bought What?”: Why Money and Liquor Don’t Mix)
“Where’s My Underwear?”: Risk Management and Section Love
Taught by…That Girl đ
That Guy would like to ask all offended parties to please email me with your complaints. As always, the address is thatguyhbs@yahoo.com.
Editors Note: Please note that That Guy didn’t mention Section I once in this article. The opinions of That Guy do not reflect the opinions of The Harbus staff, but we still think he is funny.