The A-League and B-League teams of NB and OB faced each other in a match-up of class rivalry this past Tuesday. Trash talking was lobbed over the trenches before the start as Beez presidents’ Nick Lane and Tyler Morse bet free drinks for the winners. Heard in the NB locker room before the game, “Who is OB? I know that other new sections have done mixers with their old sections during the semester. I just figured that we didn’t have an OB.” Contrary to after-game rumor, B-League of NB proved victorious with a 36-32 score, made possible by high scoring contributions from Sal “Soprano” Siino and Rob “Marine with a heart” Betts. Unfortunately, the A-League of NB was not as prepared for the rough-and-tumble playing style of the OB opponents. OB, who only achieved one win last season, benefited from an OC transplant and a crushing full court press. Playing without a bench, OB won 52-29. After a few sharp elbows during play, tempers flared at the end of the game, but those were cooled off later at Shay’s. NB wishes OB well in their future endeavors and thanks them for the fun play.