Do you feel like you’re sailing uncharted waters with your industry research? Let Baker Library guide you along in your exploration. Get started by consulting the Baker Library Industry Overviews. This resource links to surveys on 80 industries (ranging from agribusiness and airlines to wine and wireless communication) within databases and products on the Baker Library Home Page. Created by Baker Library staff, this tool allows you to locate and access the most valuable resources in Baker’s collection that provide profiles and outlooks on numerous global industries. Baker Library Industry Overviews point to commercial products subscribed to by Baker Library like OneSource and Standard & Poor’s Industry Surveys as well as resources created by Baker Library staff such as SiliconDeck.
If your industry inquiry requires a more thorough analysis, consult the Baker Library Industry Guides. Baker librarians have prepared comprehensive guides on industry categories significant to the research and teaching at HBS, such as consulting, venture capital, and telecommunications. These guides highlight information, from both print and electronic resources, that has been evaluated by reference librarians to be the most valuable and reliable sources on given industries. The Industry guides have a consistent format that will lead you to different types of information including books in the Baker collection, industry news, statistics, rankings and directories, associations and organizations and careers and networking.
Both the Industry Overviews and Industry Guides are linked from the Baker home page under Industry Information. With so much information available on the Web today, these guides will save you time and eliminate unnecessary frustration as you conduct industry research for your classes and job search.
If you want to delve further with your research, you may consult with a librarian. Stop by the main desk on the 3rd floor of Baker with your question, or contact a reference librarian by phone (5-5937) or email at If you wish, you may call ahead to schedule an in-depth consultation between 9-5.