Alumni Rep Resigns Over Time Commitment

(Aldrich 808) RC student Tony Wang resigned yesterday as Section O’s Alumni Rep effective immediately, citing the overwhelming time commitment of the job and his desire to spend more time doing other stuff at school.

“This job has started to take up way too much time,” Wang said as he read from a prepared statement. “In the past three weeks, I’ve answered seven emails about networked job searches – well, I didn’t actually answer them, I just forwarded them on to our Career Rep. But still, it took about
four minutes to do it.”

“And I could’ve used those four minutes to do other stuff. Like clean up some of the 5,762 items in my Outlook Inbox. Or put five months worth of cases back into their binders. I’ve seriously got forty-odd Donna Dubinsky, Dell and Ford cases all over my apartment. Things have gotten way out of control.”

Wang proceeded to discuss the need to scale back his extra-curricular activities to only the bare essentials

“All I’m doing for the rest of the semester is Yoga, Harvard Law mixers and Movie Night at the Grille.”

Wang assured his classmates that his resignation has nothing to do with the current Section O administration.

“Though I have absolutely no idea what she does, I can assure you that President Pamela Evans is doing a great job. I wish her and her team the best of luck with the rest of the semester.”

Despite assurances from President Evans that no other resignations are forthcoming, students in the section believe other officers are ready to quit.

According to RC student Willy Block, the social chairs will probably be the next to go.

“I think the team of nine social chairs thought it was gonna be great to run all our parties – they’d get to meet a bunch of people and get to be the heroes of the section. And they went strong for the first couple of months last semester – group dinners, birthday parties, naked twister. But they petered out by the end of October after they discovered what a pain in the ass it is to organize a 40-person sit down dinner at a restaurant in Cambridge.”

“The only event they’ve planned so far in 2004 was a Section O Super Bowl party – at the Grille. What’s next? A section event at the Kong on Wednesday night? A Newport getaway in May?”

Despite having abdicated all Alumni Rep responsibilities, Wang is still keeping it on his resume.

“That’s the only reason I ran for it in the first place. Right?”