Valentina B puts together a collection of questions and answers that will help partners navigate their new life at HBS.
Being a student’s partner at HBS is an amazing and fun experience which, nevertheless, does require being responsible and taking on as many opportunities as possible to make the most of it.
It is only normal that incoming partners have many questions and feel overwhelmed with the amount of new events and information. Searching around pages, sending out many emails can be tiring and doesn’t always bring desired results. That is why we, at the Harbus, have put together a collection of FAQs and their answers.
Q: Where do I get overall information when I first arrive or before arrival?
You can visit this page for general information on partners and families life at HBS. Download this flyer to learn more about available resources.
Q: How can I get involved with HBS and be more active?
One of the best ways is to join clubs. Partners are welcome to join any club at HBS, you can do so by attending the Club Fair, or, if you missed it, simply shooting an email to club leaders. Email can be found on the club’s pages.
We would love to have you on the Harbus team if you have an interest in bringing news to the community. If you are interested, please email Noelia Lombardo, our Editor-in-Chief, at
Don’t forget to attend events your partner’s section organises, and don’t hesitate to organize your own.
Q: What is the best way to meet other partners?
Partners club events allow you to meet partners from different sections. You can also ask around if current partners have a Slack channel or social media group or even create your own and invite people. Great opportunity to meet with new people outside of HBS organized events.
Q: How can I learn more about other partners’ experiences?
During Partners events you can meet both RC and EC partners. Don’t hesitate to ask ECs about their year. Also, check out HBS blog, there are some stories people shared before.
Q: How do I stay updated about events and news?
First of all, make sure you are subscribed to communication. E-mail and ask to be added to the list. Another way is to ask your student partner to keep you updated. Some sections have channels through which they communicate their plans and ideas. Partners club (, as well as The Crimson Parents Club (, will also send you updates if you joined them.
Q: What is the best way to support my partner during the academic year?
The support, of course, is different for everyone, so the best idea is to simply ask your partner what they need. Divide responsibilities so you both feel comfortable and have enough time to work/study. Discuss matters before they turn into problems, and make sure you both hear each other and take care of each other’s needs. Find a balance in time management which works for both, because every couple is different.
Q: Can I experience my student’s classes too?
In fact, you can! Ask your partner to email the professor and grant permission to sit in class on a particular day. It is not guaranteed to get it every time you want, but it’s not uncommon for partners to attend a class once or twice.
Q: Shall I ask my partner about HBS cases and help them develop ideas?
Once again, do ask your partner, don’t make guesses. Some people prefer to go over learned material and share ideas outside of the class environment, others might prefer to leave academic stuff outside of their free time with a partner.
Q: Can I take on any leadership roles?
Yes! You are very welcome to. When you join clubs, you may apply for different roles in communication, marketing, club operations and even propose your own role, if you have a good idea.
Q: Does HBS help partners with their careers?
As a partner you are eligible to get two 40-minute 1:1 coaching sessions, Career Leader™ Self-Assessment Tool, Electronic LinkedIn makeover, Job Search Resources, Harvard Job Boards, and access to Baker Library resources.
Q: Can I work on campus?
This depends on your visa status and experience. HBS has different vacancies open, and if you have work authorization and skills needed, you are welcome to apply.
Valentina is an EC partner at HBS, with a background in marketing, journalism and publishing. She now works in neuromarketing research, loves creating engaging content and dedicates free time to creative writing.