Accu-Reggie’s Weather Forecast for February: Snowmaggedon?

Reggie Smith, Contributor

Reggie Smith (MBA ’20) tells us what to expect this month.

February is my favorite month. It’s the most blizzardly month of the year! Roughly half of the most historic blizzards in Boston have occured in February. I expect weekly threats of snow to be the norm this month and, yes, I am predicting at least one 12+ inch snowstorm. The cold air is now entrenched, the ocean waters have cooled off the coast, and the Charles River has signs of ice. The stage is set for a nice, big snow!

January was not about big snow. We had a nuisance snow and some rain, but overall the month was dry. It was about extreme warmth, including two days with temperatures past 70F. However, the pattern flipped in the middle of January and I don’t expect any more extreme warmth to return.

The first half of February will be cold with legitimate chances of snow every few days. We might get the big one on February 1-2, or shortly thereafter. By the middle of the month, I expect a brief warm-up followed by more snow and cold in March.

When I packed to come up to Boston, my parents bought me a huge pair of “blizzard” boots only fit for two-foot snows. Will I have to use them in the next two months? I’m betting on it, and I certainly hope I will. For those who hate the snow and the cold, remember the tunnels. For those of us who love this stuff, sit back and take it all in. This Boston winter is about to crank!


Reggie Smith (MBA ’20) grew up in Philadelphia and has studied the weather for over 17 years. He was the Meteorologist for the Spirit News serving over 100,000 people in the city. Prior to HBS he worked at Johnson Controls (JCI), where he developed large energy conservation and solar projects. Most recently, he led the development engineering for an energy storage start-up business within JCI. He spent the summer of 2019 at Marathon Capital and Eventide Asset Management doing investment banking in clean energy and investing in clean energy-related companies, respectively. Reggie graduated summa cum laude with a B.S./M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University.