On Saturday 16th September, members of the HBS Running and Triathlon Club took part in the Lobsterman triathlon in Portland, Maine. This was an Olympic distance race (1 mile swim, 25 mile bike, 6 mile run) and fourteen members completed the race. Of these fourteen members, eight of them were successfully completed their first triathlon, while two others set personal records.
One member from old Section J (Charlotte Pallua) valiantly finished the race, despite being faced with a flat tire. In an amusing twist, two members from old Section A (both first-time triathletes) accidentally signed up to participate in the “elite athlete” group, which was funny for everyone (except for them).
Overall it was a great day out and it was a lot of fun to have such a large contingent of HBS students competing together. Throughout the course, you could hear us shouting out each others’ names and cheering each other on.
Post-Triathlon festivities included a lobster bake feast after the race, and an evening of celebrations checking out the local Portland restaurant/bar scene.
Sixteen members ran in the Chicago Marathon (weekend 10/8), including two of the Club Co-Presidents (Michael Picasso and Jessie Smith), while another four members ran in the Boston Half Marathon. Looking ahead, we will likely organize another focus triathlon race in the spring.
Want to get involved?
The HBS Running and Triathlon Club currently has close to one hundred members, ranging from novices to experienced athletes. We organize weekly workouts, including swim clinics, casual fun runs, stadium stairs, and more. Anyone interested in joining the club should reach out to Michael, Jessie or Pierre for more information (see below).
Annual Events:
Monthly Training: Run, Swim, Bike
Speaker Series
Boston Marathon and Half-Marathon
NYC Marathon and Half-Marathon
Michael Picasso (MBA ’18) is an EC and a member of Old Section A. He is the Co-President of HBS Running and Triathlon Club.