Class of 2018’s Most Eligible Bachelorettes

Andrea McGuirt, Section A

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
Shad bball courts – “I’ll play you… For what? your heart… All’s fair in love and basketball.”

What do you look for in a partner?
“Who wants that perfect love story anyway, anyway – Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché
Who wants that hero love that saves the day, anyway – Cliché, cliché, cliché, cliché”What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?Drake, the philosopher of love, once said, “Live
without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending.”

What is your best attribute?
My jokes, duhhh!

What is your ideal date?
Are we supposed to be dropping hints or something? The Weeknd is coming to Brooklyn in June…concert tickets anyone?

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
Had a child’s play fight at Cheesecake Factory so I asked ‘Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake? You know I love to go [here]?’ Learned Drakein is not always a good idea

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Dancing, pretending I’m Beyonce in the mirror while getting ready – I ain’t sorry!

Laura Barnes, Section B

What do you
think is the most 
romantic spot on campus?
First, picking up some baby barefoot wine bottles from the Grille. Then, admiring the artwork in Aldrich. Nothing like some fine art to spark conversation.

What do you look for in a partner?
A man who is too cool for discussion group but makes the most insightful comments. And, he’s got his own startup on the side. And lives in Continuum. And Shad.

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
Success = Expectations – Results

What is your best attribute?
My humility and goddess-like physical beauty

What is your ideal date?
Less of a date, more of a request… it’s with someone who woos me by leaving anonymous gifts in Aldrich 010, second row to the right. Look for my name tag

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
The tunnels. Avoiding the cold is not always worth it.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
The Bachelor with my section mates and Trader Joe’s macaroni bites.

Piersten Gaines, Section E

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
Baker lawn at night. The lights are A1!
Warning: Do not try this during the day. Unless you consider running into everyone you know and their mothers, romantic.

What do you look for in a partner?
Chemistry, loyalty, and humor. Also someone that has a relatively thick skin. I like to talk smack, so I need someone that can take it and throw it right back at me (in a loving way, of course).

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
Come find me.

What is your best attribute?
I’m loyal. If I consider you a true friend, you’re stuck with me for life.  I’ll be riding with you until the wheels fall off.

What is your ideal date?
Getting something to eat right before heading to a Dallas Cowboys football game.

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?

I went to dinner on a first date with a guy who kept commenting on my teeth. When I finally asked him why, without hesitation, he took out his teeth and placed them on the table – RIGHT NEXT TO ME! I love a guy t
hat is open and honest, but that was too much, too soon.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Mob Wives, the VH1 reality show.

Hannah Kattermann, Section G

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
That’s gotta be the Aldrich Cart. Can’t tell you the number of times a handsome young man and I have blushed as our hands gently grazed one another’s and played a game of “no you take it” as we both reached
for the last cup of affordably priced $4.00 pudding.

What do you look for in a partner?
Someone with a demonstrated expertise operating the domino’s pizza app at 2:30 am.

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
Don’t use the outlook web-scheduling app to confirm your first date.

What is your best attribute?
My brain, followed by its protective covering (my hair).

What is your ideal date?
Case reading in the Shad hot tubs.

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
You should probably ask my dates what went wrong since I’m still single.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Not working for two years to go to business school.

Amrita Mainthia, Section I 

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
The salad bar at Spangler #lettucemingle

What do you look for in a partner?
Mom says a great partner is someone who brings out your best and makes you laugh. She’s right!

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
Evan Brower.

What is your best attribute?
I read the Exhibits

What is your ideal date?
A “choose-your-own-adventure” day, sunshine and wine

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
He referred to himself in the third person and Venmo charged me for half. Amrita did not learn much.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure
Hot cheetos and Takis!

Nishita Palkar, Section D

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
Assuming that you can devoid it of the million other people there, the pond by the chapel looks nice sometimes at night, or the footbridge at sunset, maybe.

What do you look for in a partner?
Chemistry & good conversation! Also, someone handsome, and intelligent, and caring, and funny, and kind, and sexy, and ambitious, and loyal, and……………….

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
It is pretty simple really. Get out of campus!!

What is your best attribute?
My incredibly happy energy and smile – complemented by a little feistiness

What is your ideal date?
Sitting by a pier in the moonlight with a bottle of wine and Pearl Jam playing in the background. (with an anchor tied around his feet so that he can’t escape

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
He was super hot, but unfortunately had the personality of a wet blanket on a chilly night. Lesson learned: Do drinks and not dinner – you can gulp and scoot.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Late night, post alcohol, Gorgonzola burger with onion rings from Tasty’s. If someone doesn’t get that, it is probably not going to work out.

Caroline Schwarzman, Section J

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?

The I-lab. There’s nothing sexier than a unicorn company in the making. Ah joint checking accounts.

What do you look for in a partner?
A huge…personality. Oh, and a yellow lab.

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
A date is to an interview as a massage is to a doctors appointment. Both require an appointment but only one should have the possibility of leaving you more stressed after.

What is your best attribute?
My mom says I’m great! And you can’t fight mom logic.

What is your ideal date?
April 25, because it’s not too hot and not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
I got stuck on a five hour first date that I tried to exit after drink #1. Lessons learned: always note where the exits are. Note, the closest exit may be behind you.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Cave days. Sometimes there is nothing better than a hibernation staycation.

Teresa Wang, Section F

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
Aldrich 111

What do you look for in a partner?
I’m looking for a Hufflepuff disguised as a Slytherin who knows

his optimal target capital structure.

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
CAPM can be used to price all types of assets, so just adjust your required return accordingly. Just kidding – if I had any, I wouldn’t be single.

What is your best attribute?
My appetite.

What is your ideal date?
Beers and wings at Cheers followed by ice cream at JP Licks.

Your worst
date: what went wrong and what did you learn?

He finished two beers by the time I had half and after fighting for the bill, he couldn’t “find” his wallet so I paid. No more blind dates.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Reading teenage chicklits. John Green is the new Nicholas Sparks.

Merrin White, Section H

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
I happen to love the side-by-side armchairs facing the fireplace in Spangler. I’m a big  multi-tasker so the chance to get cozy while getting ahead on cases is a win-win for me.

What do you look for in a partner?
Someone who always sees the positives; easy laugh; nice teeth; must love dogs

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
As intimidating as it can be, just get in there – participation is 50%!

What is your best attribute?
I always try to keep things fun. Not taking myself too seriously always helps, whether in
the dating scene or in the classroom.

What is your ideal date?
Something fun but relaxed and maybe a little competitive. I personally find that bowling always shows someone’s true colors.

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
It just wasn’t the right person. It’s okay to say no thanks to dates you’re not into.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Actually doing the FIN models

Brittany Yoon, Section C

What do you think is the most romantic spot on campus?
The second treadmill in the small cardio room in Shad facing Morgan, but not during peak hours.

What do you look for in a partner?
Same thing I look for in a business school: #WellEndowed. In personality and wit, of course.

What is the best advice you can give for the HBS dating scene?
Leave the cold calls in the classroom.

What is your best attribute?
I have great assets with limited liabilities. And clearly a terrible sense of humor.

What is your ideal date?
Salsa dancing in Havana then walks under the Northern Lights in Reykjavik… Oh wait, you don’t go somewhere exotic that every weekend? What about the 10,259 #lifeathbs instagram posts?

Your worst date: what went wrong and what did you learn?
Went through an
entire meal not knowing if it was a networking dinner or a date. Takeaway: don’t go on dates with someone you’re more excited to add on LinkedIn than on Snapchat.

What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
Using the large soup container for Friday Fro-yo