Why I started HBS’s newest student club, the music-minded “Sound Society”

Jeff Zeller
RC Jeff Zeller

Newly minted Co-President of Sound Society, Jeff Zeller, explains why he started the club, and what students can expect from it.

[stag_dropcap font_size=”50px” style=”normal”]A[/stag_dropcap]s a student who loves music, I’ve been frustrated with the lack of a significant presence for music on campus. Seeking to remedy this, I have, along with a group of RCs, created HBS’s newest club: Sound Society.

We have a simple goal: enrich the HBS experience through music. In the words of my Co-President, Sofia Pietrella:  “Music is such a big part music zellerof so many people’s lives, and that doesn’t change just because we’re in business school.  We want to give students more opportunities to perform, share, and experience music.”

The SA has been incredibly supportive and has allowed us to partner with them for their awesome music-themed events. We plan to continue this next year and create even more regular opportunities for students to come together to experience music, including jam sessions, listening parties, and performance opportunities.  So many on and off campus events already have a big music component, and with along with the SA, Sound Society wants to help make that happen. To learn more, check our website soundsocietyofHBS.com.

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