This FIELD 3 Team is Out to Save.the.Date


Trading at $117 at the close of market, Section A’s Save.the.Date is off to a great start. It’s really no wonder given how good looking our team is. We have (in no particular order other than attractiveness), Prem, Nicole, Raviraj, Henry, Chris and myself. Oh, and the business idea has merit too. Once a month, our customers receive a curated box of items and an itinerary for a date night in. Save.the.Date is a low cost option that adds creativity and mystery to long-time couples’ relationships while eliminating the need for planning!

In short, leave the magic to us. Pitched by Prem and Nicole with a little help from DJ Chris & Marvin Gaye, the Save.the.Date campaign won the hearts and fake trading dollars of dozens of Section B’ers. I know what you’re thinking – given all the “curated” things that come in a box these days, how did we ever stumble upon this brainchild?  Well, like Marketing class taught us not to do, we started by looking inward to our own needs and then projected outward to a market of at least 3.5Mn potential customers. Five of our 6 teammates have been dating or married for at least several years, and we’re all really busy and unimaginative when it comes to at-home dates. Then we thought, hey maybe there’s some sort of box cure for that. And a Field 3 business was born. Our next step will be to create a landing page to see how many others are out there to join the Save.the.Date Campaign.