One of our favorite events of this year was the “myTake on Resilience” presentations. For those who missed out, a myTake presentation is an intimate TED-style talk where students share their personal experiences and backgrounds.We were so impressed, touched and inspired by the four speakers, that we wanted to write an article about our personal experiences at this school, and reflect on what we believe the keys are to having a great HBS experience. Much like a myTake, this article will be brief, and much like a myTake, these are our personal opinions. We hope it gives you some reflection on our own HBS experience.
Be Yourself www.replicabestsale.co.uk
Yeah yeah yeah…we sound like a broken record on this one. But the sooner we all feel confident being ourselves, the better HBS gets. It creates connections, it reduces stress, and it allows you to be the person who HBS actually admitted.
Don’t Neglect Your Relationships
It’s very easy to become consumed by all things HBS and forget those relationships, which in most cases, helped you get here. Call home and call old friends. They will keep you grounded and provide a sounding board for you when it seems that no one here gets it.
Don’t Stress About Jobs
This one’s easier said than done, but everyone who wants an internship / job gets one, and so many of the best gigs appear at the end of each school year. Don’t cave to deadline pressure if the job’s not right for you. Say no and get the job you dreamed you’d get.
Get To Know People Who Aren’t Like You cartier roadster replica
Let’s face it – it’s easy to get to know people who share our background, nationality or career ambitions. But some of the most meaningful personal growth at a place like HBS can come if you seek out people who are not like you.
Go to the HBS Show, Ekta, Sankofa, HOTS And Every Other Performance You Can
The sheer amount of talent on this campus is mind boggling. Go and see your friends sing and dance. It will leave you incredibly happy.
Meet with Professors
The Professors at this school are some of the most accomplished and brilliant thinkers in their fields. They’re also really nice people who care about students. Reach out to a Professor you admire and get to know them. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much you get out of it.
When in Doubt, Choose Sleepcartier santos 100 replica
You have a zillion trillion things to do, events to attend, and workouts to master. However, the best thing you can do for your continued physical and mental well being, is sleep. The bragging contests of how little sleep one gets should make you cringe by now; you know better. When you choose sleep, you choose to be more alert and present in your waking hours, thus able to soak up all that this great institution has to offer.
Say Something Nice to Someone, Every Day
We constantly speak about how amazing and inspiring individuals at HBS are – but do we tell them? If someone has inspired you by a remark made in class or a kind deed, walk up to them and tell them. It makes such a difference in a person’s day and will make you feel better too. By constantly being on the look out for things to be grateful for, you’ll start to view the world in a whole new way.