Thank You, Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

I found out late that Steve Jobs had died. By late, I mean about two hours after the news had first made its way on to the internet. The entrepreneur of the century, the greatest business mind of our time. Despite these abstract accolades, I personally care. I actually do. I feel a sadness I would not have expected.  I never met Steve Jobs; in fact, I don’t think I have ever met anyone who has met Steve Jobs. So why do I care, really?

There’s the community aspect. I’m a Mac person– I have been since the time I first looked at computer, and, if things continue the way they have,  I will be until I die But there is more to it than that. The sadness feels more about beauty than technology, more about experience than microchips, more Toy Story 3 than the iPod Nano. He was an icon of what you can do with a little faith in yourself, in the future, in “your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” He was a Silicon Valley rebel with a passion and a cause. He was an artist, a sculptor. His designs have directly framed my every expectation for computing which is quite the contribution  considering I spend almost all day, every day, computing.

Upon closer examination, maybe it is more than just sadness, maybe it also fear. Fear that the business leaders of the world, the computer guru’s-to-be, and even I replica breitling Aeromarine , won’t hold ourselves to his standard anymore. Steve Jobs didn’t just raise the bar, he redesigned it. We now expect more from our machines, and we expect more from ourselves. Steve Jobs left us with higher expectations of the potential for beauty in every experience. So there it is; that is why I care. Because despite being removed by far greater than six degrees, he made my experience more beautiful, and I’m both saddened at his death and afraid that people of his caliber are few and far between.

So then, how do I assuage these anxieties?  I suppose there is the obvious answer. We must work harder, smarter, and be foolishly hungry for more beauty and perfection, ever aware that our experience on this earth will too end. But I think the less obvious answer is that we shouldn’t just mimic Steve Jobs, trying to create the next iPod or iPhone.  We must actually Think Different, think new, think again replica breitling bentley 6.75. We must not strive to be the new Apple– we must strive to be new entirely. While all of us cannot realistically expect to change the world in the way his creations have, we should expect that we will love what we do. From that, beauty surely will result. What a lovely gift that would be to the world. And indeed, what a lovely gift that Steve Jobs left to us: the world a bit more beautiful than it was before.


Author Biography

Catherine (Katie) Leary Tomezsko is the General Manager of The Harbus.  She can be found on twitter @CTomezsko

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