Number 8, Ruler of the Ruck, Sovereign of the Scrum, HBS RFC Captain
When did you start playing rugby?
Depends who you ask.I thought I’d been playing for years, but my old man still asks “how was your soccer game?”
LA, sunlight, “Swedish fish” in Spangler
Celtics, term bills, alarm clocks
Favorite aspect of the club:
Folks talk about FOMO and all that at HBS.
How can I manage all these priorities?
Where is the time?
Is my life headed in the right direction?
Do I really need to join 20 clubs?
Is that credit card balance right?
How could anyone doubt Section C is really the greatest?
Is SFP 1-604 having another afterparty?
Can a Trek to Iceland really be fun?
If I hand you a weirdly shaped ball and tell you fifteen guys in a different color shirt are going to come after you, the priority becomes clear pretty quickly!ÿ The simplicity is beautiful. Then those 15 other cats you just ran over insist on grabbing a beer with you.
Least favorite aspect of the club:
Seeing a 300lb guys cry when I run over them.
Biggest misconception about rugby:
That you get hurt all of the time. Only some of the time.
Author’s Biography
An ardent disciple and zealous critic of Jack Welch, Tom spent three years working at General Electric in finance and the past summer running around Europe doing business development for Medtronic.ÿ He has moved 27 times and has lived in four different countries. He is a proud member of Section B (Go beauties and beasts!), a 06′ graduate of Virginia Tech with degrees in Entrepreneurship and Finance, and a Certified Public Accountant. Endowed with a ferocious appetite and metabolism, he consumes 5,000-6,000 calories a day but never gains an ounce of weight; he is a particular sucker for fruit smoothies but also recommends the 1.6lb Beckett Burger at McGreevy’s in Boston.