New Wellness Club Helps HBS Students Keep New Year's Resolutions

Have you made a New Year’s resolution such as eating better, exercising more, losing weight, or feeling less stressed? If that’s the case, then the Wellness Club is the community for you.

The Wellness Club, a new student club at HBS, has benefits for fitness enthusiasts and novices alike.

According to co-president Sean Eldridge (NE), “The Wellness Club provides HBS students with an easily accessible, non-intimidating outlet for receiving nutrition and fitness information. Our health conscious community support structure motivates members to utilize the information we provide to develop healthy, sustainable habits.”

During the spring semester, the Wellness Club will host events such as Conquering the Gym nights (led by personal trainers) and nutrition education roundtable discussions (led by registered dietitians), and the Club will even distribute a bi-weekly newsletter focused on bringing the latest fitness and nutrition research to members’ fingertips.

In addition, prominent guest speakers, from Fortune 500 CEOs to budding entrepreneurs in the fitness and nutrition industry will speak to Wellness Club members about the benefits of a lifestyle focused on fitness and nutrition, and how they apply these principles in their daily lives and in their own companies within the Wellness Industry.

Beyond providing members with access to world-class fitness and nutrition resources, the Club will also serve as a medium to connect members with similar improvement goals. In doing so, fellow members will be able to motivate each other to meet their goals, whatever they may be. This Fit Buddies Program will provide members with a support system to ensure that everyone involved is capable of achieving the goals they have set for themselves.

Studies have shown that people who surround themselves with health conscious peers tend to have higher levels of fitness and overall happiness. Indeed, Wellness Club members experience these community-driven benefits in tangible ways in their everyday lives.

Says co-president Brittania Boey (NH), “The Wellness Club is a fun community that increases members’ ability to cope with the stresses of a time-pressured lifestyle by reaping the benefits of healthy living.”

If you are interested in learning more about the Wellness Club, please contact one of the Club’s co-presidents, Brittania Boey or Sean Eldridge