Into the Future

On Tuesday, January 29th, I wrote the following to select members of the faculty:

“Given the famed preference of HBS graduates for the hot industries of yesterday instead of the emerging industries of tomorrow, and the growing realization that the world’s economic system and political climate are undergoing pronounced shifts, The Harbus would like our most respected thought leaders to give us some insight into how students should be viewing and calibrating our futures.

Please take 10 to 20 minutes and 250-500 words to describe your views on how the changing landscape will affect the careers of graduates and how we can take advantage of it. Responses must be received by Monday, February 4, and they will be published in The Harbus on Monday, February 11.

On behalf of The Harbus, thank you in advance for helping us to help students think deeply and productively about their careers.”

Reflecting their deep devotion to the careers of HBS students, four faculty members responded. Their insightful responses follow.

The Harbus also encourages additional faculty members to join in this exercise and give us additional perspectives on the changing world that HBS graduates will inherit.

Warm regards,
David Rawlinson, Editor-in-Chief