HBS and Community Values

Greetings, as Chair of the Leadership & Values Committee it gives me great pleasure to introduce an edition of the Harbus dedicated to L&V issues and HBS Community Values.

L&V reps are constantly confronted with requests from classmates to mediate conflict in the classroom. This conflict can
usually be framed as a contravention of HBS Community Values. At its most damaging such conflict can jeopardize the education of a few individuals or even a whole section. The work of an L&V rep is both difficult and satisfying, but most of it occurs ‘under the radar.’ Therefore, if you have little contact with your L&V rep you should probably take this as a good sign, but it may leave you wondering what all the fuss about HBS Community Values concerns. With this dedicated issue of the Harbus, the L&V Committee decided to challenge HBS students to think about how Community Values relate to them everyday on campus. I hope the articles generate a response, and I’d love to hear your feedback.
