HBS Show: The Phantom of Baker Library

The Phantom of Baker Library is a two-act musical about Harvard Business School, written and produced by Harvard Business School students, performed on the Harvard Business School campus, to entertain the Harvard Business School family. That’s the key to its worldwide mass appeal.”
-Theater analyst with knowledge of the HBS Show

Opening week (concurrent with closing week) for Phantom will include nightly performances from April 17 through April 21 in Burden Auditorium.

Important Details:
1. For Tickets and Information, please access www.studentclubs.hbs.edu/show

2. Though patrons may attend any night they choose, Section Nights are scheduled:
Tuesday (4/17): NB, OB, ND, OD, NJ, OJ
Wednesday (4/18): NF, OF, NH, OH
Thursday (4/19): NA, OA, NG, OG, NC, OC
Friday (4/20): NI, OI, NE, OE
Saturday (4/21): Faculty, Staff, Administration, visiting admitted students

3. Do you want to be involved with the Production of The Phantom of Baker Library? You still can! There are many positions available-including box office sales, marketing, sponsorships, set building, prop handling, lights, sound and more. Please send an email to hbs.show@gmail.com if you would like more information.