What good would a $1.8 billion endowment be if you didn’t get out and spend it once in a while? For ECs, there have been many notable additions to the HBS campus this year, the most prominent being the re-opening of a newly renovated Baker Library (finally a good place to study!). For RCs, the administration has worked tirelessly to prepare the campus in the best way possible for a memorable first year here at HBS.
The Harbus asked ECs what their favorite addition to campus has been and the vote was overwhelmingly in favor of Baker Library (our feelings were kinda hurt that our expanded coverage of the Rugby Team was not more appreciated, but probably not more so than the RCs ).
Here are the complete results of the latest Harbus poll:
Question: What is your favorite new addition to the HBS campus this year?
A. Baker Library
B. Renovated Aldrich Classrooms C. Networking Night
D. Expanded Coverage of the Rugby Team in the Harbus
E. Salad Bowl Line in The Grille F. F. RC’s
Number of responses: 103