Dear Editorial Team,
I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about the putting behavioral science to work on the competitive fields of sports and business. As a Psychologist, I have traversed diverse terrain including over a decade of teaching at Dartmouth Medical School while consulting as the Sports Psychologist to a number of Dartmouth College Athletics teams, coaches and individual athletes. For the past decade, I have taken that game to the wide world of business where I have provided consultation, executive coaching, and customized seminars to a client roster that includes Fortune 500s as well as international not-for-profits. In July 2004, my first writing adventure was published by McGraw-Hill trade division: The Winner’s Way: A Proven Method for Achieving Your Personal Best in any Situation.
Despite the title, it’s not about winning. In The Winner’s Way, I present a 3-element system for learning to access that state that athletes call “the Zone”–for any challenge. The 3 elements- activation, attention, attitude (I call them “the 3 A’s” to keep it simple)– are real, systemically related and within anyone’s control. Based on the dilution of the natural chemical cocktail constantly bathing brain and body, the three explain how stress really does make us stupid under pressure and, better yet, the strategies explain how to get smart under fire. The system has been field-tested by competitive athletes and business people and has stood the test in ordinary circumstances (e.g., a Senator who learned to keep his cool even in intense DC traffic) and in extreme challenges (scaling snowy steeps on skis and prevailing over life-altering injuries and life-threatening illness).
I would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about an article for your publication and also to send you a book that you could review.
Thank you.
Looking forward,
Pam Brill, Ed.D.
Peak Performance Psychologist