Did you bend but not break this summer working long hours at the firm? Decide that punching in on the weekends is not your sort of thing?
Many EC’s came back from their summer internship experience with greater insight into what they want out of a full-time position. The Harbus found that what EC’s developed the greatest appreciation for over the course of the summer was reasonableness of working hours, but a few other desired job characteristics were nearly as sought after.
The Harbus asked EC’s the following question about their summer internship experience:
Question: What aspect of your professional life do you have a greater appreciation for after your summer internship experience?
A. Salary
B. Reasonableness of
working hours
C. Quality of work assignments
D. Proximity to entertainment, nightlife, shopping, restaurants, etc.
E. Cost of living
F. Proximity to family
G. Quality of co-workers
H. Brevity of commute
Number of responses: 163