In between the chaos of rehearsals and planning, Alexandra Minnis caught up with some of the cast and crew from this year’s HBS Show: Mean Girls [& Boys]. Read on to learn more about the dramatic inspirations and preoccupations of Tara Hagan (NI), writer and director; Gina Yu (NI), vocal director and assistant director; Amelie Foz-Couture (NG), assistant director; Abhishek Shrivastava (NG), producer; Steve Gorodetskiy (NI), stage manager; and Tracy Massel (ND), stage manager.
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How did you get involved with the show this year?
Gina: I have always been interested in the arts before this, so I decided to audition for the show. That was until Tara came along and said that she needed an ear for the singers – I said I’d help out for one audition. One audition quickly became many auditions, and I realized I was having a ton of fun. I had never been exposed to the management side of the arts before, and it is a challenge that I wanted to try. What started as one audition quickly became taking on the roles of Vocal Director and Assistant Director. Might as well put all my chips in!
Amelie: I have always enjoyed theater, so while I was applying to school, literally the number one thing everyone that went to HBS told me was that I had to be in the show. When I should have been working on my applications, I was procrastinating by watching every major MBA program’s show. I even wrote about it in my application. Somehow, they let me in!
Tara: The club fair had an HBS Show booth, and I applied to be a writer with 6 ECs and 1 other RCs. They taught me a lot about life as an RC HBS before I experienced it. At the end, they needed a director. Why not? It is my first time directing anything.
Which part of this year’s HBS Show are you most excited about?
Tara: The fact that we put so much time into for about a year, and it will come and go in a flash. The crazy thing is, it is still worth it.
Amelie: My line about the Cloudflare CEO. And my nap on April 23rd.
Gina: When we make it to Broadway. And winning a Tony Award.
Tara, Oh, and I love having a legitimate reason for why I haven’t been participating in class. And to my discussion group for why I come unprepared…
What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened while working as part of the team?
Amelie: I was filling in for a character with a European accent during a rehearsal and accidently read an extra half page because I was so into it. I was great as a tall European man!
Which character do you identify with the most?
Amelie: Bjorn. I had to stand in as his character for two weeks, although I never really perfected the accent.
Gina: Youngme Moon. I am Asian. And I like Marketing!
Tara: I like Reggie. He has a lot of snarky lines!
Are you drawing future career aspirations from your involvement with the show replica breitling?
Amelie: I am definitely going to become a European prince. Do they have a posting for that on Career Hub?
Gina & Tara: We wish this was our FIELD 3 company. We could have made it past the failed business track.
What has been most challenging as you prepare for this year’s show?
Tara: Applying the concepts of TOM to rehearsal schedules. Then pulling the andon cord!
Amelie: Trying to apply everything I have learned in FIELD about negotiating and giving feedback and failing miserably at all of them.
Gina: What was that LEAD concept? Congruency Model?
Any advice for showgoers?
Amelie: Don’t drink!
Abhishek, Steve, & Tracy
How did you get involved with the show this year? Have you ever produced a musical before?
Abhishek: I had experience of directing and producing musicals at undergrad. And then I thought, where will I get the opportunity to manage 100 CEOs together? I just hope none of these CEOs appear in an LCA case.
Tracy: Someone dragged me and threatened my life to join the show. Seriously. These people are crazy.
Steve: FOMO. I mean, everyone else was doing something cool…
What aspect of this year’s HBS Show are you most excited about?
Abhishek: Building the stage – it makes up for all the gym time I’ve missed because of rehearsals.
Tracy: Reggie (Jim) wearing a gold shirt or seeing Adam (Sunish) sing a song on the stage.
Steve: Seeing Andrew Boston, a 7 foot tall guy, dance.
Are you drawing future career aspirations from your involvement with the show?
Abhishek: Well, I am using a lot of marketing 2 by 2’s and I used 4P’s for pricing and promoting the tickets. Now I understand why pricing London Olympics was so difficult.
Steve: My dream profession has always been to be a construction worker. I am very close to it!
Tracy: Now I want to be an HBS professor so I can be “featured” in the Show.
What have you liked most about preparing for the show?
Abhishek: Hours and hours of watching actors make up lines they don’t remember.
Steve: How much of the script is influenced by Game of Thrones season 3.
Tracy: Finding out that I see Steve my co-stage manager more than I see Steve my fiancé. I get confused sometimes.
And what have you liked least…?
Steve: Going to Shad (where we had a lot of rehearsals), but not working out. So close, yet so far.
Tracy: Security kicking us out of Burden.
Abhishek: Spending an extra hour in Burden for EC transition.
What has been most challenging about the Show prep?
Steve: Confusing real lyrics with HBS Show lyrics at karaoke.
Abhishek: Explaining what HBS Show is to a few classmates. And why are tickets $35.
Tracy: Reading all my cases in class.
You can buy tickets and find out more at Shows are April 18th, 19th, 22nd, & 23rd.