Meet Two of the Sankofa performers: Yohanes and Larry. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to turn to the person sitting next to you in Burden Hall while watching these two perform at Sankofa and say, “you know what that guys last purchase was.?” Well, you’re welcome.
1 My name: Larry Braithwaite
2 hometown: Queens, NY
3 Childhood ambition: Orthopedic Surgeon
4 Fondest memory: In the car with my brothers and my mom headed to school, singing songs (Billy Jean by Michael Jackson)
5 Soundtrack? Miles Davis – Kind of Blue
6 Retreat: Alone somewhere
7 If I weren’t doing this, I’d be: At Wharton for less, lol.
8 Proudest moment: Winning the Morehead Scholarship
9 Biggest challenge: Parenting
10 Perfect day: Run, Brunch, Message, Good Book, Nap, Dinner & Drinks w Friends
11 First job? Summer Intern at DA’s Office
12 Indulgence: Chocolate
13 Last purchase: Tux for Holidazzle!
14 Favorite movie: Shawshank Redemption
15 Inspiration: Avoiding mediocrity
16 My life: Contains more good fortune than could reasonably be expected.
17: f I won the lottery tomorrow: Live on the interest. Dedicate to philanthropic causes.
18 My hero: My grandfather.
19 Current ambition: Real Estate Entrepreneur
20 Words to live by: Do Unto Others…
1 My name: Yohanes Frezgi
2 Hometown: Dayton,OH ÿ
3 Childhood ambition: Beat Michael Jordan one on one ÿ
4 Fondest memory: Saturday morning cartoons
5 Soundtrack? Kaye West College Drop Out ÿ
6 Retreat: Running
7 If I weren’t doing this, I’d be: Working at a start up
8 Proudest moment: Hasn’t happened yet
9 Biggest challenge: Being an adult
10 Perfect day: Beers w/ friends in a foreign land
11 First job: Entrepreneur (mowing lawns)
12 Indulgence:ÿThe Office
13 Last purchase: Sankofa ticket!!! ÿ
14 Favorite movie: The Last Dragon
15 Inspiration: My favorite book Man-child in the Promised Land ÿ
16 My life: Is randomly lucky
17 If I won the lottery tomorrow: I’d change my phone number
18 My hero: Thurgood Marshall
(Argued Brown Vs. Board of Education of Topeka) ÿ
19 Current ambition: Exec. role at a high profile start within the next 3-5 years
20 Words to live by: Everything starts with E
21 Fill in your own: Where will you be on Tuesday at 7:00pm? Sankofa, it will change your life