Purchasing a bicycle can be a worthwhile investment for your two years at school. You will be surprised to find out how well a bicycle works during the winter months (sans precipitation).
My advice.go inexpensive and functional so when there is no room in the moving van post-graduation, you will not feel bad leaving the bike behind.
A couple places in Cambridge that offer new/used bikes on the cheap are:
Bicycle Bill’s
253 North Harvard Street
Allston, MA 02134-1418
(617) 783-5636
Broadway Bicycle School
351 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02139
(617) 868-3392
Craig’s List
If you plan on using your bicycle for the occasional run to the grocery store, or for a few laps around the Square, these are three must-haves:
1) Lock
Or else your bike might end up on a joy-ride as you peruse the aisles at Tower Records. Go with the flexible-wire style rather than a heavy-duty Kryptonite style. It’ll allow more parking options and keeps an honest person honest. €
2) Helmet
Boston is notorious for bad-drivers, and a helmet will provide a margin of safety as you cruise down Massachusetts Ave. at top speed.
3) Milk Crate
Very handy for grocery runs, and you can take it off when it’s not needed. Gotta have a good milk crate.
Happy Pedaling!