Bring on the Laughs: The Harbus Catches up with HBS Show Stars

As the scandal regarding the casting couch in the HBS theatre industry unravels, this intrepid reporter managed to sneak an interview with the couple at the center of the scandal – Becky and Ward Bullard (NE).
Our readers might remember the allegations that Ward’s marriage with Becky was a pre-condition to his getting a role in the famed HBS Show “The Wizard of Hawes”.

Becky is a world-renowned choreographer and Ward was a non-entity until he got his first break as a Soldier in “Wizard”. The couple, of course, denies any allegations of impropriety, and recent opinion seems to support them. Critics who have seen previews of “Wizard” are now coming around to the idea that Ward is a genuine talent and not a product of the murky dynamics of the HBS Theatre Industry.

The Harbus caught up with the famous couple in Burden Auditorium.

Harbus: Ward, it seems that your role as a security guard in HBS Show is set to launch you to stardom. Tell us, how did you end up landing this role?
Ward: I think it has something to do with my name. A Soldier is a Ward, which is what I am. I must look the part. But more importantly, once you watch the show, you will realize that my role, though it is understated, is the one that requires the most talent, and the directors obviously had to choose me.

Harbus: That’s interesting! So how big is your role?
Ward: Er, size doesn’t matter, and it’s quality not quantity, and….

Harbus: All that’s true, but how often do you actually speak in the Show?
Ward: Let’s just say that I speak once or twice. But mind you, those are quality comments worthy of any Baker Scholar.

Harbus: Tell us some of the interesting incidents that took place during the production of the show.
Ward: There is a scene where I walk in, and with commanding presence I order “Everybody Freeze”. So when we were rehearsing this scene on the day of the snow storm… .no, I’m just kidding, nothing happened!

Harbus: Becky, this whole scandal about the casting couch must have been very difficult for you to face. We want you to tell the readers of Harbus the real story of how you and. Ward met before you got married.
Becky: We met after my Award Winning performance in a musical. Literally, it was “A Ward Winning”, and I won him over.

Harbus: You have done substantial choreography work in the past. However, this is the first time you have made your husband dance. What do you have to say about Ward’s acting and dancing talents?
Becky: That’s a really tough question. The only thing I want to say is that no one tries harder than him.

Harbus: Was it very tough it to get him to dance correctly?
Becky: I had to teach him not to say “how high” when I said “jump” or “hop”, because he was so used to that habit. But other than that, it wasn’t difficult at all.

Harbus: Ward, you have only recently emerged into stardom. How did it feel before this to be married to a successful and famous choreographer when you were a “nobody”?
Ward: If I were to re-write myHBS essays, I would rank this as one of my three most substantial accomplishments. But it’s true that there was a huge pressure on me to get my first break given the public spotlight on Becky. But Becky was very supportive despite the demands on her time. You would know that she runs the incredibly successful “ABC Theatre Company” that provides an education in theatre arts to many enthusiastic students. And till now, I had just been a struggling artist, making ends barely meet with my day job, hoping to be “discovered” one day. I am glad that I’ve finally arrived.

Harbus: Is it true that you are organizing the Hollywood Trek next year, and that you have scheduled a meeting for all trek participants with yourself, in anticipation of your stardom?
Ward: I was considering doing that, till I discovered that I am accidentally signed up to organize the Westrek and not the Hollywood Trek.

Harbus: Tell our readers a bit more about “Wizard”. What should people expect to see when the stage lights up?
Ward: The “Wizard of Hawes” will be the best thing ever seen on stage. Without revealing the details, I can tell you that it has been produced to be more grand than The Blair Witch Project, more comical than Ben Hur, more full of suspense than Mary Poppins, and yet, manages to retain that human and romantic touch found in productions like Hannibal. You have to watch it.

Harbus: On that note, Becky and Ward, we wish to thank you for your time. It was a pleasure speaking with you, and we wish you all the success with The Show.